October 2015

Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months Using Cannabis Oil
Medical doctors and healthcare personnel alike are stymied by the miraculous cure which recently occurred to Michelle Aldrich who suffered from a deadly form of lung cancer. Michelle was sixty-six years old at the time. Initially she developed a low-grade fever and cough which she couldn’t shake. Several months later

Study: Daily Marijuana Use for Chronic Pain is Safe, Effective
Chronic pain patients who use herbal cannabis daily for one-year report reduced discomfort and increased quality of life compared to controls, and do not experience an increased risk of serious side effects, according to clinical data published online ahead of print in the Journal of Pain. Researchers at McGill University

Cannabis, Medical Science, and Fundamental Human Rights
Cannabis sativa is a medicinal plant with documented usage for 4000 years. In addition to its easily grown medicinal flowers, the plant provides a versatile fabric and extraordinarily nutritious seed. Cannabis has well-documented widespread traditional medical and cultural usage and additionally was employed for a century as a mainstream pharmaceutical

All Cannabis Use is Medical
All Cannabis Use is Medicinal. Even if the user misidentified it as ‘recreational.’ The medical cannabis movement is sweeping through the nation with such momentum that even conservative legislators are evolving to see the benefits. All cannabis use appears imminent west of Colorado and north of Virginia while medical cannabis is plowing through

How Weed is Being Embraced by the Wellness Movement
Picture this: you’re watching Scandal. After a long day of stealth and subterfuge, Olivia Pope has returned home, wrapped herself in a white cashmere robe and is ready to unwind. But instead of a glass of red wine, maybe she sips some tea infused with peppermint and cannabis, perhaps Evergreen

Cultivation Charges Dropped Against Georgia Couple Growing Medical Marijuana
Sullivan Chainey is a veteran of the United States armed forces. And not just any veteran, but one that started at the lowest rung the Air Force had to offer him and climbed nearly all the way to the top. Though Sullivan started his career as a lowly Private he quickly mastered his new trade as

Sam’s Story: Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder
The following in an excerpt from an article written by Sam’s father, found here. Sam is an eight-year-old male. He was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Delay- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) when he was two and one-half years old by a pediatric psychiatrist at the M.I.N.D. Institute, UC Davis Medical Center.

Woman Successfully Treats Stage 4 Kidney Cancer And Celiac Disease With Cannabis Oil
This article was first published by IllegallyHealed.com. In August 2014, Linda Morado received the most devastating news of her life — a diagnosis of stage IV kidney cancer. It had metastasized to her lungs in two places. The month prior, Linda had also been diagnosed with celiac disease and nutrient

It Turns out the Worst Rumors About Marijuana Are Dead Wrong
Researchers have come to some remarkable conclusions about the effects of marijuana use in recent years—how it reduces pain and helps heal fractured bones—but surely long-term use poses health concerns, right? Not really, says Jordan Bechtold, the lead researcher behind a new study on chronic adolescent use of cannabis. Published

Clinical Study Reveals Cannabinoid Receptors Effective in Treating Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
This clinical study indicates that our cannabinoid receptor system may be an important therapeutic target for the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract From PubMed: Introduction Cannabis-based medicines have a number of therapeutic indications, including anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The endocannabinoid receptor system, including the