February 2016
New Study Confirms That Cannabis Can Help Migraine Sufferers
Cannabis has long been used for the treatment of migraines, but only in recent years have scientists closed in on the reasons why. A new study published this week from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado looked at the effects of inhaled and ingested
One Way to Fight the Opioid Epidemic? Medical Marijuana.
The opioid painkiller and heroin epidemic has led to a record number of deadly drug overdoses, with the US recording an all-time high of 47,000 overdose deaths — two-thirds of which were opioid-related — in 2014. In states like New Hampshire, the crisis is so bad that it’s overtaken the
5 Reasons We Fight for Cannabis
The truth is we fight for cannabis for a lot of reasons. And while people may have differing motives and ideas on what cannabis legalization ought to look like, there are a few points all of us can get behind. Whether you’re new to cannabis or you’ve been advocating on
Mother of Two Forced to Move to Colorado For Medical Marijuana
For three years, Enedina Stanger has been in pain and she said her only relief is illegal in her home state of Utah. Earlier this week, Stanger was sentenced to six months of probation and required to undergo a parenting class after an October incident in which an officer cited