The Union – Discover the lies we’ve been told by government about marijuana!
Full length investigative documentary covering a variety of topics related to marijuana prohibition and use. Very informative presentation on the history of prohibition and the injustice involved. (Language warning – Joe Rogan drops a few F bombs long the way…) Lengthy, but definitely worth watching.
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Marijuana and the Brain Animation and Landmark Federal Marijuana Bill
This is a short animation about how CBD works in the body and an interview with a Republican Congressman about his medical marijuana bill which would legalize CBD at the federal level.
Waiting to Inhale (Documentary – 5 Parts)
Waiting to Inhale examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. Twelve states have passed legislation to protect patients who use medical marijuana. Yet opponents claim the medical argument is just a smokescreen for a different agenda– to legalize marijuana for recreation and
Medical Cannabis and it’s Impact on Human Health – A Cannabis Documentary
In this video, you’ll hear from a number of physicians who specialize in treating patients with cannabis and why they believe it is the most effective treatment solution for many diseases.