Medical Cannabis Relief For Cerebral Palsy (Jacqueline Patterson)
Jacqueline Patterson was born with cerebral palsy, a congenital disorder that affects her motor functions. As a result of her condition, she suffers from a severe stutter and major pain and weakness on her right side. This video showcases the amazing effect of cannabis on her condition. Tragically, it shows
Charlotte’s Web – CBD for Epilepsy
This is the amazing story of little Charlotte Figi, who suffers from Dravet Syndrome, which is a form of intractable epilepsy. The Stanley brothers, medical marijuana growers in Colorado developed a high CBD strain with very low to no THC, which means there are no psychotropic effects. Charlotte’s parents contacted
The Surprising Story of Medical Marijuana and Pediatric Epilepsy | Josh Stanley | TEDxBoulder
Josh Stanley, a medical marijuana grower and dispensary owner in Colorado, will sift through the propaganda, fear and greed encompassing medical marijuana. Recently featured on CNN, Josh and his brothers developed a non-psychotropic strain of marijuana which is drastically reducing seizures for many pediatric epilepsy patients in Colorado. With millions
Waiting to Inhale (Documentary – 5 Parts)
Waiting to Inhale examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. Twelve states have passed legislation to protect patients who use medical marijuana. Yet opponents claim the medical argument is just a smokescreen for a different agenda– to legalize marijuana for recreation and