Physician Interviews
Dr Uma Dhanabalan, MD On Cannabis Therapeutics & Medical Marijuana
In this video, Dr Uma Dhanabalan, MD speaks about cannabis therapeutics and the vast usefulness of medical marijuana in the treatment of various diseases. Dr. Dhanabalan speaks from her vast experience with using cannabis as a treatment for disease. She explains the endocannabinoid system and why and how the chemical
MS Patient Spearheads Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill
Meet Julie Falco, who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. After using prescription medication unsuccessfully to treat her condition for years, she discovered that marijuana brownies gave her substantial relief from her suffering with no unwanted side effects. She got off her prescription medications and now relies solely on medical cannabis to treat
Medical Marijuana Coming Out of the Shadows
Medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide range of ailments argues Dr. Dustin Sulak, whose medical marijuana practice cares for 15,000 Mainers.
Dr. David Allen the discovery of the Endocannabinoid System
Dr. Allen, retired cardiac surgeon & cannabinoid research scientist enlightens us about the Endocannabinoid System.
Dr. David Allen Explains Medical Marijuana Use and Prohibition
Dr. David Allen discusses how the rules of engagement in the war on drugs are being violated by the U.S. government, and how the body of science that now uses cannabinoid-based medicines should be used throughout America as well, not just in emergency rooms and through prescriptions, but through the