Crohn’s Disease
10 Little-Known Uses for CBD
Among the cannabinoids in cannabis, the main psychoactive compound, THC, often outshines the one that provides a natural anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic and antipsychotic effect. Cannabidiol, or CBD, lacks the colorful high commonly associated with your traditional marijuana high and doesn’t have much of a noticeable effect when isolated. When combined with THC, the relaxing
U.S. Policy Keeps Medical Marijuana Research Funding Low
Certain chemicals in marijuana may kill cancer cells, shrink tumors and prevent the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors. That’s the National Cancer Institute reporting findings from preclinical trials — the kind of research that typically leads to more in-depth testing. But nearly a half-century ago the folks who
U.S. Policy Keeps Medical Marijuana Research Funding Low
Certain chemicals in marijuana may kill cancer cells, shrink tumors and prevent the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors. That’s the National Cancer Institute reporting findings from preclinical trials — the kind of research that typically leads to more in-depth testing. But nearly a half-century ago the folks who
What is Cannabinoid Deficiency?
Are you suffering from a cannabinoid deficiency? Gooey Rabinsky explains: Based on the scant knowledge available regarding the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid science overall, some researchers have theorized that many diseases, like multiple sclerosis, may be caused by a simple deficiency of endogenous (internally produced) cannabinoids (also called endocannabinoids). This condition has
21 Health Benefits of Marijuana
A recent article in Business Insider details 21 health benefits from using cannabis. Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency categorizes marijuana as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medical use, a majority of Americans have thought medical pot should be legal since the late 1990s
Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn’s Disease)
When drugs fail, and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, smoking cannabis may provide an effective and safe natural alternative for the debilitating inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease that chronically affects the lining of the digestive tract