5 Reasons We Fight for Cannabis
The truth is we fight for cannabis for a lot of reasons. And while people may have differing motives and ideas on what cannabis legalization ought to look like, there are a few points all of us can get behind. Whether you’re new to cannabis or you’ve been advocating on
Dems Call For Ouster of Obama’s Drug Chief
Several House Democrats are calling for the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to step aside after he referred to medical marijuana as a “joke.” In a letter to the White House, six House Democrats joined by one Republican on Thursday urged President Obama to fire DEA chief Chuck
The Outrageous Story Behind the US Government’s Pot Farm
By: Dr. Gregory Smith It’s a hot, humid day at the University of Mississippi. Scores of students mingle on the campus’s finely-manicured lawns. Many of these kids no doubt smoke pot, some more than others. But if you get caught for possession more than once in this state, you risk serious
The Christian case for drug law reform
By David Simpson, Texas State Representative, R-Longview As a Christian, I recognize the innate goodness of everything God made and humanity’s charge to be stewards of the same. In fact, it’s for this reason that I’m especially cautious when it comes to laws banning plants. I don’t believe that when
Quantum Cannabis – How Drug Policy Turned Sci-Fi
As the case for drug prohibition has fallen apart, its defenders have had to come up with ever more imaginative ways to justify it. When it comes to cannabis, that now includes bending the laws of science to their will. The government created a bit of a problem for itself
Ending the U.S. Government’s War on Medical Marijuana Research
Of all the controlled substances that the federal government regulates, cannabis is treated in unique ways that impede research. Specifically, the U.S. government has held back the medical community’s ability to conduct the type of research that the scientific community considers the experimental gold standard in guiding medical practice. Thus,
Cannabis, Medical Science, and Fundamental Human Rights
Cannabis sativa is a medicinal plant with documented usage for 4000 years. In addition to its easily grown medicinal flowers, the plant provides a versatile fabric and extraordinarily nutritious seed. Cannabis has well-documented widespread traditional medical and cultural usage and additionally was employed for a century as a mainstream pharmaceutical
Cultivation Charges Dropped Against Georgia Couple Growing Medical Marijuana
Sullivan Chainey is a veteran of the United States armed forces. And not just any veteran, but one that started at the lowest rung the Air Force had to offer him and climbed nearly all the way to the top. Though Sullivan started his career as a lowly Private he quickly mastered his new trade as
Oakland Joins the World’s Biggest Pot Shop to Battle the Feds
Harborside Health Center in Oakland, California, is the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world, serving nearly 200,000 patients and distributing $25 million in cannabis per year. It does so out in the open, under the auspices of California law and Oakland’s regulatory regime. Federal prosecutors, however, maintain an unfriendly stance
U.S. Policy Keeps Medical Marijuana Research Funding Low
Certain chemicals in marijuana may kill cancer cells, shrink tumors and prevent the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors. That’s the National Cancer Institute reporting findings from preclinical trials — the kind of research that typically leads to more in-depth testing. But nearly a half-century ago the folks who