
Can Cannabis Reverse Late Stage Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s disease has risen exponentially over the past few decades, and the numbers are expected to triple by 2050. Although its mortality rate is questionable because Alzheimer’s patients usually die of complications from pneumonia, many consider it the third largest disease cause of death nationally, behind cardiac disease and cancer.

Meanwhile, Big Pharma is clueless, which is a blessing in disguise as  effective, less expensive, and less toxic remedies are slipping through the cracks.

You’ve probably read about the positive effects of coconut oil’s medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) to produce ketones that energize brain cells stagnated by dysfunctional brain metabolism. And there are herbs from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda that are helpful while Big Pharma flounders with toxic failures to create a profitable Alzheimer’s pharmaceutical that might help more than harm.

And now there may be another effective non-pharmaceutical solution to add: Cannabis. Earlier “testing” had maintained that memory loss occurs from using cannabis. But those tests were rigged to placate the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and “just say no” presidential administrations.

Independent testing since marijuana has been established as medicinally effective and safe has concluded that long term marijuana users do have their memory intact, and it is even is effective for restoring memory lost from brain disease damage, such as Alzheimer’s.


A Spain study entitled “CB2 cannabinoid receptor agonist ameliorates Alzheimer-like phenotype in AβPP/PS1 mice”.

The researchers concluded that “… the present study lends support to the idea that stimulation of CB2 [cannibanoid] receptors ameliorates several altered parameters in Alzheimer’s disease such as impaired memory and learning, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress damage and oxidative stress responses, selected tau kinases, and tau hyperphosphorylation around plaques.

That’s not the only recent Alzheimer’s study that has come to similar conclusions. Researchers at Florida’s Roskamp Institute came up with the most advanced understanding of Alzheimer’s mechanics and how cannabis demonstrates efficacy without toxic side effects. (Source below:

Their study was preceded by similar cannabis efficacy for Alzheimer’s by Neuroscience Research Australia and the University of Ohio.

Gary Wenk, PhD, professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University, told Time Magazine, “I’ve been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective.


In addition to the obvious cognitive dysfunctions, Alzheimer’s victims are dysfunctional with mundane matters, daily routines, have little or no recollection of close relatives and friends, and tend to be very grouchy and feisty. In short, they are a tragic handful to manage.

A daughter tells her arduous care taker story of helping her mother’s final stages of Alzheimer’s by getting her on medical marijuana and off pharmaceuticals in stages. Her mother, who arrived to her daughter’s Oregon home while she was around 80, was not the type who took advantage of holistic medicine and organic foods and supplements.

In addition to her Alzheimer’s meds, she was on several other medications for other ailments. The daughter had arranged for her Mom’s Oregon medical marijuana permit and worked on weaning her off meds with an MD while plying her with increasingly high dosages of cannabis edibles.

Before “Reefer Madness” propaganda, the AMA used it

The doctor, who does not normally sign for medical cannabis cards, noticed the dramatic improvement, saying, “I wish all my Alzheimer’s patients were on cannabis. Look at her quality of life!” She kept signing Mom’s renewals with no questions asked.

The crafty inclusion of home cooked organic meals with different cannabis edibles while taking care of her produced very positive results with her cognitive abilities and made her much more sociable and cooperative instead of feisty, angry, inappropriate and anti-social, which are all symptoms of Alzheimer’s in addition to the gross absence of memory.

The mother did pass away peacefully and lovingly at age 83 after the mother-daughter bond was firmly re-established. In other words, she exited the earthly realm in a much better state than if she had not been exposed to cannabis treatments.


Human trial test subjects have died from Pharmaceutical attempts, which had to be scrapped, to create an effective Alzheimer’s drug. The whole point of testing man-made drugs is to determine LD 50, the dose that is lethal for 50% of animals tested.

Why bother with determining if the risk to benefit is low with a drug that is almost certain to have adverse side effects when there are totally safe and effective options available with pleasant side effects. I’m all for coconut oil and cannabis to prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s.

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are world renowned. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.


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