4 Ways Cannabis Can Ease The Burdens of Aging
As America’s Baby Boomer generation heads into their golden years, healthcare is becoming one of the most pressing issues of our times. Both Medicare and Social Security face significant challenges in the coming years. Medicare’s hospital trust will be exhausted by 2026 and Social Security is not far behind, predicted
Can Cannabis Reverse Late Stage Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s disease has risen exponentially over the past few decades, and the numbers are expected to triple by 2050. Although its mortality rate is questionable because Alzheimer’s patients usually die of complications from pneumonia, many consider it the third largest disease cause of death nationally, behind cardiac disease and cancer.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Medical Marijuana
Introduction to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the buildup in the brain of extracellular plaques (made of a proteinacious material called amyloid) and intracellular tangles (made up of tau protein). These processes lead to destruction of brain cells and, subsequently, to severe dementia (i.e. “decline in
Marijuana Rated Most Effective for Treating Fibromyalgia
Medical marijuana is far more effective at treating symptoms of fibromyalgia than any of the three prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat the disorder. That is one of the surprise findings in an online survey of over 1,300 fibromyalgia patients conducted by the National Pain
U.S. Policy Keeps Medical Marijuana Research Funding Low
Certain chemicals in marijuana may kill cancer cells, shrink tumors and prevent the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors. That’s the National Cancer Institute reporting findings from preclinical trials — the kind of research that typically leads to more in-depth testing. But nearly a half-century ago the folks who
Chemotherapy Patients Benefit from Smoking Marijuana
Cancer treatments are becoming more and more effective, but along with the destruction of cancer cells come a lot of extra undesirable effects. More and more it is becoming widely known that chemotherapy patients benefit from smoking marijuana. Smoking it is not actually necessary though. Eating it in some form
Cannabis and Arthritis
More than 31 million Americans suffer from arthritis. There are two main types of arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Both affect the joints, causing pain and swelling, and limiting movement. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is caused by a malfunction of the immune system. Instead of fighting off intruders such as bacteria
What is Cannabinoid Deficiency?
Are you suffering from a cannabinoid deficiency? Gooey Rabinsky explains: Based on the scant knowledge available regarding the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid science overall, some researchers have theorized that many diseases, like multiple sclerosis, may be caused by a simple deficiency of endogenous (internally produced) cannabinoids (also called endocannabinoids). This condition has
Marijuana as a Breast Cancer Treatment?
Marijuana, also known as cannabis, hash, weed, hemp, ganja, and grass, has been recognized as an herbal remedy for centuries. Along with LSD and heroin, it has a classification of one of the most dangerous controlled substances. As the legalization of marijuana has become a reality in a growing number
Review Finds Medical Marijuana Effectively Treats MS Symptoms
Medical marijuana is becoming mainstream: 21 states and the District of Columbia allow it. But until Monday, little was known about whether it can effectively treat neurological disorders. Sixty-nine-year-old Gloria Gates has multiple sclerosis. She can no longer walk and is often in severe pain. “One thing that is just